| Welcome to Haram's Portfolio

Who is Haram?

Haram is currently a FGLI Questbridge Scholar looking to be a prospective Computer Science & Cognitive Science double major with a math minor at Pomona College. He is currently looking for an internship for summer 2024.
Pomona College | GPA - 3.7/4.0 | Expected Grad: May 2026 Check out his resume ‼️‼️

Haram Yoon

| More About Haram

Meet Haram Yoon, a spirited undergrad at Pomona College 🏫 and a first-generation, low-income student, fearlessly navigating the world of technology 💻. With an unyielding passion for breaking barriers in the tech industry, Haram is on a mission to create meaningful impact through software ⚙️.

In the fast-paced realm of technology ⚡️, Haram is not just a spectator; he's an active participant, constantly pushing his boundaries and acquiring new skills 🧑‍🎓. A relentless learner 🧠, he immerses himself in cutting-edge technologies 🤖 daily, seamlessly integrating them into his personal full-stack projects 📁 and leveraging them in his various technical roles and jobs 👨‍💻.

Fuelled by a desire to contribute to innovative 💡 and creative solutions 🎨, Haram dreams of joining a team of like-minded engineers 👷‍♂️ who share his vision for making a positive mark on the world 🌎. His interests span diverse domains, from product development and sports analysis 🏈 to financial services 💸 and human-computer interaction (HCI) 👨‍💻. For Haram, every technical challenge is an opportunity to learn 👨‍🏫, grow 🌱, and make a tangible difference💪.

Currently on the lookout for internships in software engineering 👨‍💻, full-stack development ⚛️, or data science 📊, Haram is eager to apply his skills and knowledge in real-world settings 🏭. His goal is not just to secure a position but to immerse himself in an environment that fosters continuous learning 🎓, collaboration 🤝, and innovation 💡.

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| Technical Skills


LanguagesPython, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, R, Dart
Front-End FrameworksTailwind, Bootstrap, React, Nextjs, Redux, FlutterBack-end FrameworksExpress, Nodejs, Flask, Next.js
Databases/ORMsMongoDB, Firestore, PostgresSQL, mySQL, SQLAlchemy, PrismaCloud ServicesFirebase, AWSAPI DevelopmentREST, GraphQL, tRPC
Data SciencePandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn, PyTorch, Data VisualizationDeveloper ToolsGit/GitHub, Jupyter, Visual Studio, Docker
Favorite Tech Stacks:
  • - MERN(MongoDB, React, Nodejs, ExpressJs)
  • - T3(Tailwind, Typescript, tRPC) w/ Nextjs and Prisma
  • - Firebase w/ Nextjs
  • - Flask & AWS w/ React


| Experience & Certificates


Research Intern @ Pomona College HCI Lab

May 2024 - Aug 2024

Claremont, CA

Assisting research on the effect of shared gaze on collaboration by developing, maintaining, and investigating eye-tracking scripts using Nodejs and Express, creating effective experimental designs, and facilitating accurate data collection and analysis within Firebase


Augmented Reality Extern @ Snap Inc

Mar 2024 - Apr 2024


Developed personalized AR experiences revolving around increasing NCAA March Madness engagement using Snap's Lens Studio. Mastered digital storytelling & AR design principles for creating engaging content to cater to millions of Snapchat users.


Backend Developer Intern @ Foodclub

Jan 2024 - May 2024


Developed and maintained core RESTful APIs that powered the backend of the Priority Team's high-growth startup application. Leveraged Node.js, Express, and SQL to build scalable and reliable APIs that delivered low-latency responses to support seamless user experiences across web and mobile clients. Established and followed API development best practices including comprehensive unit and integration testing, monitoring, and DevOps protocols to ensure continual availability, performance, and stability enhancements. Collaborated cross-functionally in an agile, fast-paced startup environment composed of multiple scrum teams working in unison to rapidly deliver features towards startup. APIs and backened infrastructure were crafted to flexibly scale up and handle exponential growth trajectories.


Software Developer @ Associated Students of Pomona College

Dec 2023 - Present

Claremont, CA

Architected and iteratively enhanced the ASPC platform utilizing React and Ruby on Rails to expand core functionalities, conduct seamless database updates within a robust data-driven ecosystem, and provide critical services to over 1,500 students. Expanded core functionalities within the admin dashboard to create CRUD functionality for static events, housing, and custom pages. Implemented the seamless integration of p-Recs, an AI course recommendation model developed with Python and Docker, boosting student course satisfaction by 50% and nearly doubled student engagement with the platform


Front-End Developer @ 5C Hack

Sept 2023 - Present

Claremont, CA

Maintained website functionality and optimized UI/UX design by continuously integrating new features and updating relevant information on a AWS hosted website for hundreds of students. Engineerd a new React web app to replace the existing one, improving quality through reusable compoments, code splitting, and Html & CSS styling, which improved website performance by over 50% and created a more user-friendly experience.


Software Developer @ P-AI

Sept 2023 - Dec 2023

Claremont, CA

Worked within the Software Development Team for p-Reset: Personalized Self-Care Web App to engineer a full-stack, AI-powered personalized self-care app with Nextjs and Flask that allows journaling, habit tracking, and Google Calendar API integration through a Postgres SQL database that incorporates NLP techniques and ML algorithms to generate customized recommendations and optimize scheduling around self-care tasks and healthy habits.


All in For Students cohert Member @ Github

Oct 2023 - Mar 2024


All In for Students trains the next generation of innovators and tech pioneers from underestimated backgrounds, connecting them to open source learning, individualized upskilling, meaningful open source experience, and a supportive community of peers and mentors invested in their success.


ITS Service Desk Consultant @ Pomona College

Sept 2022 - Present

Claremont, CA

Represented the college’s first line of help regarding information technology issues Resolved dozens of software issues each day, and contributed to improving the hardware supply and loan system efficiency by 50% through an enhanced ticket system. Orchestrated seamless integration of Pomonas ITS systems by collaborating with cross-functional teams, resulting in a 40% increase in system uptime.

| Projects

Choose the project you want to explore

Click each box for a different project. For a more detailed explanation on the project's technologies and insight in the development/production process, check the github description for each project.




SKILLS: Tailwind, Nextjs, Python, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Flask, Docker, RNNs, Sentiment Analysis, LDA, Clustering, Google Calendar API,


Description: I am part of Pomona AI Club's p-reset project, building a full-stack AI self-care app using React and Flask. It features journaling, habit tracking, Google Calendar integration, SQL databases, NLP, ML, and Docker integration for personalized recommendations and scheduling optimization.


Fullstack Ecommerce Platform


Duolingo Learning Model

